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Before you choose any healthcare provider there are certain questions you should ask. this blog (by Mama Birth-I'm a big fan) has some specific questions to ask a midwife before you hire her as well as some suggestions by Mama Birth. I think it is a good list and think you will enjoy it.
To be honest when we hired our midwives we did not ask most of those questions (and everything turned out just fine), but you always learn things the longer you are interested in a subject so I now have a list of questions I will ask and get more answers on next time.
There are some questions I would add to the list too:
-Do you do the vitamin K shot? Do you "require" the vitamin K shot? What is your personal philosophy on it?
-Do you do the eye ointment at birth?
-What if I have breastfeeding questions after I give birth?
-Will you travel to meet me if breastfeeding just isn't working? (Should have asked about this one)
-What meds can you give me if I need them?
-Do you have a back up physician?
-Will you help me find a pediatrician? (should have found more out about that one too)
-Do you have a library of books I can borrow from? (This came in very helpful while I was pregnant)
Those are some questions that Mama Birth does not cover that I wish I had asked as well.
I would also like to address a question that came up during my birth and prenatal care. I was researching all through pregnancy and discovered a list of questions I should ask...but I had already hired my midwives so I was not sure what to do. If you find yourself in this situation I encourage you to follow your gut. If you think a question should be asked, no matter how "late in the game it is", then ask it. It is never to late to put your mind at ease. And if you get an answer that you don't like it's better to know sooner over later.
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