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Ask your health care provider about options for eating during labor. From my understanding the only reason not to eat during labor is in case of an emergency c-section. However, if you are not at a high risk of having a c-section then not eating will put you at greater risk of having an "unnecessary" c-section ("unnecessary" because if you had been eating it probably wouldn't have happened.)
This is one of those "weight the risk" type deals.
However, not eating is in a way setting yourself up for failure. The example one of my birthing friends loves to use is: You can die from going to the restroom. It is possible to injure yourself due to having impacted poo or falling or all kinds of other things-but we will keep this G rated so that's all I'll list for now- but you don't plan on having those problems in the restroom because in general pooing is safe. But what if you went to the restroom and took every precaution: had a nurse/doctor present watching you, kept the door open, didn't eat before going to the restroom-in case of emergency surgery, was hooked up to a monitor, had an IV, etc. It would be silly! And you would probably get "stage fright" and then really have problems because you might be labeled "failure to progress". You get my drift. Its a silly example but it shows that with all other natural things we work to not set ourselves up for failure. But often with birth we take SO many precautions that we end up in a bad situation that was preventable.
So (this is just my opinion) I think unless you already know there is a decent chance of c-section you should eat. But if you feel the risks out weight the benefit then don't eat. You know your body and you know what you need. Listen to those instincts above all else! Our bodies are the ones birthing our babies and humans wouldn't have survived so long if our bodies were not designed well. : ) And make sure you have support for the decision you choose to make in that regard.
If you do decide to eat during labor (yay!) then here are some good things to eat:
-honey sticks: lots of energy, easily digestible and pretty healthy
-chicken: its soft on the stomach and has good protein
-pasta: good to eat early on in labor because they are complex carbs and will give you energy if your labor lasts a while
-fish: lots of good oils and proteins
-soups: preferably homemade
-sports drinks: coconut water is suppose to be the best but if your like me and hate it a simple powerade will suffice (however, do recognize coconut water is better for you...but I just can't stomach it...)
Things that aren't as great to eat (unless you are having contractions on top of each other with little to no break or prodromal labor):
-baked potatoes: they have magnesium which relaxes muscle contractions
-red wine: slows contractions too (alcohol is NOT recommended at anytime during pregnancy in the USA- do your own research and let your conscience be your guide...)
-cinnamon: slows contractions
-anything with high levels of magnesium (see baked potato)
But remember it doesn't matter what I think, it matters what you believe your body is telling you. Always listen to your body. I can give you advice from things I have seen and read and I can let you know that you DO have an option to eat, but it is your birth so you need to do what you feel is best for you! That is the doula code so to speak, helping women listen to their bodies and helping you stand up for the birth you want! That's true empowerment: knowing your options and choosing what's right for you regardless of what anyone else would do!
-The Cowgirl Doula
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